


Exit Strategy

•  Projects will advance to the company-formation stage. 

    As each project is commercialized,

    it will spawn its own profit-center and begin to function on its own

    with no further need for the tech transfer functions of IDS-Development.


•  IDS has many projects in the wings

    and so has a "conveyor" type process for introducing them to the market.  

    IDS has many technologies that are ready for commercial development.

•  As a result of the volume of responses I received,

    I have adopted a policy of "First TELL and then SHOW",

    so that the message is complete and consistent before the "show" begins. 

    The "tell" is now completed and questions received

    have been answered within the documentation. 


•  IDS-Development's  administration

    is to secure customers, professional service providers, and strategic business partners

    for the development and implementation of alliances.

•  IDS-development also oversees contact persons

    who are knowledgeable and able to "talk shop" in each of several unrelated industries. 

    In other words, the contact person for the aerospace industry

    would likely not be effective in communicating with the medical industry.




•  Complete documentation, images and video demonstrations for each project

    are showcased on the WebSite. 

    The WebSite is the front door and key to communicating the ideas to the world.

trade shows

•  I plan to show the major application areas

    at conventions representing the industries involved.


•  As media put themselves on a notification list,

    I shall let them know as releases are made and press conferences are held.


•  I am available to meet with Companies

    and discuss prototypes specific to their applications.


Sales Agent

•  In order to benefit from as much objectivity as possible,

    it is suggested to use outside tech transfer agents specializing in particular industries

    for direct contact with client companies within those industries. 

•  To create the strategic alliances needed,

    partnering relationships will need to be established based on requirements of those industries.

•  Contact must involve direct face-to-face meetings to determine application needs. 

    Candid, detailed evaluation cannot effectively happen via mail, e-mail or phone conferencing. 

    We need to show working prototypes that reflect the applications that companies seek. 

    The goal is to convert interest into the strategic alliances that result in solid relationships.



•  The development of specific products

    requires an alliance between IDS-D and the prospective clients.

    IDS-D shall develop strategic alliances in partnership with industry

    to identify, protect, evaluate, develop and commercialize specific embodiments

    to suit specific applications of inventions.

•  Partners, in turn, help provide ....

  1.             •  project management

  2.             •  commercial expertise,

  3.             •  product development experience

  4.             •  patent strategy

  5.             •  legal support.






  1. Home

  2. About

  3. Structure

  4. Process

  5. Strategy

  6. Team

  7. Clients

  8. Advisors


  10. Contact

  11. Site Map



        Div-2  (Philosophy)

                 Liberty Project


        Div-3  (Mechanical)

               Cyclops Rotary Engine

               •  Scroller Mechanics

        Div-4  (Ground Transport)

                 Locus Bicycle

               •  Panther Motorcycle

        Div-5  (Digital)

                 Internet  "Of the People"

        Div-8  (Energy, Science)

                 Magnetics  (shielding)

               •  Cosmology Theory

        Div-12  (Business)

                 Investment  "Of the People"

               •  Patent Law Flaws